Africa: Building 1, 41 St., Diplomatic District, Mokattam, Cairo - Egypt
Middle East: Dubai South Business Center, Building C, 3rd Floor, Dubai - UAE


Africa: +2 02 2846 8514
Middle East: +971 52419 3210

Email Address




It is distinctive product from ROISNS. It is cultivated on its own land from the best quality seeds and directly transported to the production lines; being harvested and delivered to the factory in less than half an hour, fresh leaves are refineries pulled and cut by the most advanced machinery guaranteeing a defect – free product with its full nutritional properties.

Product Description

  1. 400 gm.
  1. Deep – Freeze compartment or freezer at – 18 degree C.
  2. ROISNS’s vegetables are harvested, cleaned, cut and frozen within 3-5 hours.
  3. Nutrients are reserved to the maximum, no loss in vitamins, minerals and nutrients.
  4. Quickly frozen to preserve the fresh taste, colour, and nutrition.
  5. Free from any preservatives or chemical substances.
  6. Same characteristics of harvested at the peak of nutrition Ingredient maturity.
  7. Freezing fresh allows using at the optimum standards for colour, taste, and texture.
  8. Special Labeling are available.